Q: How do I fix my garbage disposal?

One of the most common service requests is for what appears to be a "defective garbage disposal."  You go to hit the button by the sink and expect it to turn on, but for some reason it doesn't.

Believe it or not, it's not hyperbole to say that 99% of the time, this is a simple fix that actually has nothing to do with a defect or improper installation.  Here are the most common reasons why a garbage disposal quits working:

  1. It is jammed by a utincil or stubborn food particle, such as a fruit peel.
  2. The GFI circuit has tripped.
  3. The breaker has tripped in the breaker panel.

Odds are, reason number 1 is your culprit, and this is very easy to fix.  Here is a helpful video (that I didn't put together) but its nearly-3MM-views sheds some light on how common of a problem this is for homeowners.  He provides detailed steps on how to resolve the matter.

Give that video a view and follow his advice, and odds are you'll be back up and running in no time.  If that doesn't provide a fix, then it's certainly possible you have a burned out motor or a defective unit.  

See a discrepancy, or have a question you don't see here? Let me know!
Last Updated: 9.12.2022